Medical Debt Collection Services in California
Along with New York and Texas, California is one of the leading states with the highest amount of medical debt. Many California patients do not know that they can work out payment plans for their bills. Collecting unpaid debts is a difficult process for most medical facilities. If you are looking for medical debt collection services in California, we can help.
California Medical Billing Laws
The state of California has plenty of laws to ensure that people with or without money can receive medical care. These laws have led to caps on patient charges for government-backed programs. They have also led to several types of interest-free payment plans for patients. In California, four years is the statute of limitations for collecting a medical bill balance. Collection agencies can often collect partial or full amounts within this time.
There are several rules that apply to collecting medical debts. For example, there must be a five-month period of negotiation attempts. The goal during this time is to establish a payment plan. California medical debt collection agencies may not threaten, harass or mislead people who owe money. Unless a case has been approved by a judge in court, a debt collector cannot garnish a person’s wages. There are several other rules as well. Medical debt collection agencies understand these rules and know how to comply with them.
Why Use a Collection Service?
When you work with a collection agency, you have an advocate working on your behalf to collect unpaid balances. Collection agencies have special strategies that align with all applicable laws and are often more effective for recovery. An agency helps you by reviewing your accounts, balances and the levels of delinquency. This is useful for helping determine the right collection strategies.
A debt collection agency can pursue a debt until it is satisfied or the statute of limitations is over. For example, a lawsuit may be better for an account that has been through all attempt steps and has a high balance. This is a last resort. Many collectors are able to recover partial or full amounts with numerous calls and letters. Some accounts may simply need new patient insurance information to resubmit a claim. Since good patient relationships are important to medical practices, we work to maintain them as well. Our collectors are experienced, tactful and professional. Please contact us to learn more.